SHARED BODY is a web of embodied technologies based in New York, online, and beyond.

Founded by Cy X.



Sign Up: Open Residency Application

Residency Schedule: List of Activations

key words: drip, drop, fluid (bonding), grief, wake, spit, spat, piss, broth, blood, tears, pisces, consciousness, water wounds, water acknowledgements

Shared Body’s “Water Residency” is an invitation and open residency for collective engagement with water as technology. From April 25 - May 5, there will be a series of synchronous and asynchronous and in-person and online activations (readings, journal prompts, rituals, performances, conversations, medicine making, dreaming, etc) free & open to all.

Asychronous Engagements
inner liquid: convening with queerness
meditation written and narrated by Veils Veils Veils (Brooke Herr)
original music by Hope Herr-Cardillo

learn more about Brooke and their work at

Open Residency

Inspired by Sonia Kiran (Raver Jinn)’s Gatebreaking Manifesto, this open residency seeks to be a space for collective thinking, creating, and spellwork around on water as technology. We value and support unfinished and unedited work, unprocessed thoughts, curiosities, and shared research.

This is an experiment, a reaching toward, an imperfect action, and yet a manifestation and a spell. There will be magic in the information. As Shared Body’s first residency it will shift, grow, change like water. What can emerge in this fluid space?

Many traditional residencies (like the one that inspired this project) often require an application and institutional acceptance in order to be granted access to resources, project support, and community. For this open residency, Cy X will be sharing their residency honorarium with other artists while using residency support to maintain open research and provide free classes and knowledge shares free and open to all.  

What To Expect
SHARED RESOURCES: All research and resources will be shared with edit access so anyone can view and contribute.

OPEN CALENDAR: A few artists have been invited to contribute events and works alongside this theme but anyone is invited to host their own water activations during this time frame and beyond.
FLUID PARTICIPATION: Show up in whatever way feels authentic to you.
SPACE FOR REST: care work sessions, care prompts, & earth medicine :-) space for rest.
COLLABORATIVE ZINE: In the end, we can share out a collaborative zine documenting work, thoughts, resources, sources of inspiration. Nothing needs to be complete or even edited.

Become a Resident

The residency application is space for you to share your dreams, desires, and a little bit about who you are :-) You’ll be added to the water residency database where you’ll also be able to meet and connect with others during the residency.